Stretch Exercise for Sports Enthusiast

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Stretch Exercise - Standing

The Stretch Exercises here are done on three positions: Standing, Sitting and Lying Down Position.

I. Standing Position

1. Arm Locked In-between the Elbows.

2. Tricep Stretch.

3. Neck Exercise - if properly done, neck will make some crackling sound cause by release of tension and massaging of the nerves, muscles and ligaments; helps prevent headaches.
*Do these exercises slowly and gently. Be careful not to strain the neck muscles
by relaxing the shoulders.

4. Right Angle - excellent exercise for people with poor posture; helps correct hunchback, spinal curvature and droopy shoulders; as it relaxes and simultenously strengthens leg muscles.

5. Waist Rotating - tones the arms, waist, back and hip joints; abdominal organs are massaged and waistline fat reduced and redistributed.

6. Extended Arm Stretch - stimulate the blood circulation and helps one overcome "fuzzy headahes", loosen the shoulder joints and is very benificial for people with hunched backs; streches and tones the spine.

7. Waist & Torso Rotating - loosens the spine and back muscles and helps prevent and rectify posture problems; relieves stiffness in the waist and hip joints.

8. Extended Triangle - excellent for increasing all-around flexibility and mobility, preferred by yoga practitioners as it is one of the yoga postures where the backbone is bent laterally rather than forward or backward; helps remove the flab from the waist area and tone the hip muscles.
Yoga practitioners claim this posture is benificial in trerating a wide range of skin disorders (boils, acne, rashes) and imparing a healthy luster to one's complexion.

9. Shoulder Rotations and Joint Opening - increases your scapular power; scapulae are loosened and rounded to develop the type of scapular power used by the tigers and other big cats.

10. Hip Rotation.

11. Knee Rotation.

12. Dip Split - stretches the large muscles and tendons on the front and outer part of the thighs and strenghthens ankles, arches the feet and exercise the muscles that support the lower back and pelvis.
It improves balance and stimulates energy meridians between pelvis and feet.


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